free web site traffic and promotion

Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

Cara membuat text berjalan

Kode HTML untuk membuat teks berjalan dari arah kanan ke kiri dengan huruf arial, bold, warna kuning, ukuran huruf 14px, tinggi area 20px, lebar area 100% di atas backgroud biru adalah sebagai berikut :

Teks berjalan dari kanan ke kiri

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Website Submitters

Automated Directory Submitter
Submits your website to 23 of the top web directories.
Automated Search Engine Submitter
Submits your website to 19 of the top search engines.

Link-Based Tools

Link Popularity Checker
Check the number of links pointing to the website of your choice.
Link Suggestion Generator
Generate links that relate to the keyword/topic of your choosing.
No-Follow Finder
Scan a website to find no-follow links to various other sites.
Reciprocal Link Checker
Check multiple sites to see if they are really linking back to you.
Link Analyzer
Analyze incoming and outgoing links.
Backlink Checker
View the number of backlinks a site has listed.
Valid Link Checker
Use this tool to check for broken links on a website.